took risks|take risk in English

took chances, endangered himself

Use "took risks|take risk" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "took risks|take risk" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "took risks|take risk", or refer to the context using the word "took risks|take risk" in the English Dictionary.

1. He took some suicidal risks.

2. It is then important also to take measures against that risk so that all risks are effectively reduced.

3. He took uncommon risks, performed unlikely deeds.

4. In brief, take no risks.

5. Just take things lightly, and take some risks.

6. 3.3 Legal Framework 3.4 Payments System Risks Sources of Risk Risk Control and Risk Allocation Mechanisms

7. Adventuresome: 1 adj willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises “the risks and gains of an Adventuresome economy” Synonyms: adventurous audacious , daring , venturesome , venturous disposed to venture or take risks sporting involving risk or willingness to take a risk swaggering , swashbuckling flamboyantly adventurous bold

8. The escrow account has exposure to the following financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.

9. He was a commander who never took risks.

10. I take risks all the time.

11. Investors take all kinds of risks.

12. Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks.

13. Sometimes you should take risks without thinking.

14. What motivates men to take such risks?

15. I take calculated risks but never gamble.

16. Why take risks that endanger your life?

17. Dalton seems willing to take greater risks.

18. Adventuresome: inclined or willing to take risks

19. 2 He took a calculated risk .

20. Risks to a factor include: Counter-party credit risk related to clients and risk-covered debtors.

21. I'll take a risk take a chance.

22. 21 I take calculated risks but never gamble.

23. Together they take risks and address technical issues.

24. Additionally, longevity risk Acerbates many other risks, as the risk of long-term care increases with age

25. He wanted to take no risks, however small.